Demand that the UK starts saving the climate and stops corporate courts

While the UK claims to be a ‘leader’ in global climate action, the reality is yet another broken promise.

ISDS (Investment to State Dispute Settlement) is the fossil fuel industry’s secret weapon. It is an extreme investor privilege in trade deals like the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT), that allows corporations to sue countries in secretive ‘corporate courts’ when governments make decisions that may negatively impact their projected profits.

The UK government remains a solid supporter of the ISDS regime, through its membership of the ECT and through joining new trade deals, such as the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). But we know that public pressure works — governments across Europe have pledged to withdraw from the climate-destroying ECT after public outrage — we must keep up pressure on the UK government to do the same.

ISDS is used by fossil fuel companies to punish governments around the world for doing the right thing for the climate crisis. Right now, the fossil fuel industry is suing governments around the world for billions over their actions to reduce carbon emissions.

Read more about why we must abolish ISDS to combat the climate crisis.

Sign the petition to the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Business and Trade

Corporate courts block climate action. The UK government must reject corporate courts and exit the Energy Charter Treaty

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