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Stand with Western Sahara

Morocco has maintained an illegal, brutally repressive occupation in Western Sahara for 46 years, denying the rights of Saharawi people and plundering their natural resources. The Saharawi, in the occupied territory and in exile, have been calling for recognition of their right to self-determination since the beginning of Morocco’s occupation. 

The EU and the UK provide material support for Moroccan occupation through the inclusion of Western Sahara in trade deals with Morocco, in contravention of international law. By allowing their corporations to profit from the illegal plunder of Western Sahara, the UK is complicit in Morocco’s crimes.

Last year, former US President Donald Trump attempted to legitimise Morocco’s repressive regime by recognising its illegal claim to Western Sahara. This formed part of the US-brokered pact to normalise relations between Morocco and Israel, simultaneously strengthening both illegal occupations. 

The Saharawi people’s ongoing struggle for liberation is being suppressed by the actions of regimes worldwide. We must stand with them and hold our governments to account. 
Please take action today to show your solidarity with the Saharawi people: demand that the UK government abides by international law, ends its complicity in Morocco’s occupation, and respects the Saharawi people’s right to self-determination. 

Find out more about the Saharawi struggle.

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