Make corporations and the super-rich pay for the climate crisis 


With the climate crisis and ecosystem collapse threatening our future, it’s time to make big corporations and the super-rich pay up to fix the damage they have caused.  

People’s homes are burning, farms are flooding, and extreme heat is wrecking health. The poorest communities, especially in the Global South, are suffering the most from a crisis they did the least to create. 

Meanwhile, the jet-setting super-rich and powerful corporations in the Global North—many of whom have grown rich from polluting the planet and exploiting the Global South’s wealth and resources—are refusing to pay up to fix it.  

Just 100 corporations are responsible for 71% of global emissions, while the richest 1% of individuals contribute more to the climate crisis than the poorest two thirds of people.

The super-rich, aided by murky tax havens, are hoarding the money needed to build a better world, while oil companies and multinational corporations receive subsidies from rich countries yet refuse to pay what they owe.

The solutions to the climate crisis are here: we must fund a transition to publicly-owned renewable energy by taxing big corporations, and we must make the tax dodging super-rich pay to support Global South countries in rebuilding after climate disasters. 

Big corporations and the super-rich must pay for the damage they've caused, so that we can tackle the climate crisis, protect people from its impacts, and ensure safe, dignified lives for all.

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