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Hold Israel to account for torturing Palestinians

Boy runs with a Palestinian flag in front of a prison with the Israel flag on it.

Israel is systematically torturing and ill-treating Palestinian detainees – including children.

Many thousands of Palestinians have been detained by Israel since October 2023, and around 54 Palestinians have already died in custody. No one is being spared from this treatment – those detained, tortured and killed in Israel’s detention include Palestinian children and the elderly, doctors working in Gaza’s hospitals, and the sick and injured.

Israel has a history of torturing Palestinians – and getting away with it. Since the start of Israel’s occupation in 1967 up to 2013, at least 73 Palestinian prisoners died due to torture at the hands of Israeli interrogators – with thousands more suffering lasting physical and psychological damage.  

Israel must not be able to get away with committing torture – a war crime under international law. Elsewhere, perpetrators of torture, such as Syria, have been sanctioned for abuse in their prisons.

As an influential and close ally of Israel, the UK government must condemn the torture of Palestinian detainees and hold Israel to account. Write to the UK government today to demand it takes action. 

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