The Next Government Must Put People and Planet First

In recent years, we have endured worsening climate breakdown, a cost-of-living crisis during record-high corporate profits, and attacks on our human rights.

These crises, in the UK and abroad, are the result of decisions made by those in power – governments and corporations – and a rigged political and economic system that benefits rich elites at the expense of ordinary people.

 We need a UK government that will:
1. End poverty and inequality  
2. Lead ambitious action on the climate crisis   
3. Support the Palestinian peoples’ struggle for justice  
4. Defend our human rights and democracy   
5. Respect workers


Read our open letter to UK political leaders

In recent years, we have endured worsening climate breakdown, a cost-of-living crisis during record-high corporate profits, and attacks on our human rights. These crises, in the UK and abroad, are the result of decisions made by those in power – governments and corporations – and a rigged political and economic system that benefits rich elites at the expense of ordinary people.

We need political leaders that address the current crises by putting the wellbeing of people and the planet above the needs of profit-driven corporations. 

War on Want, and our supporters, call on the next UK government to take action in five key areas:

End Poverty and Inequality: One in five people in the UK were living in poverty in 2022/23 – with many already struggling with the impact of the mismanaged COVID-19 pandemic. We need an alternative to the rigged economic system that benefits the wealthy and corporations at the expense of ordinary people.

Lead ambitious action on the climate crisis: We only have a few years left to keep global heating to a maximum of 1.5°C. We need the next UK government to take ambitious climate action and urgently phase out fossil fuels – not just give us broken promises.

Support the Palestinian peoples’ struggle for justice: For over 70 years, Israel has subjected the Palestinian people to systematic human rights abuses and deadly military force. As Israel’s current military onslaught continues, it’s more important than ever that the UK government stands with Palestinians and holds Israel to account.

Defend human rights and democracy: Our human rights are under attack. We need a UK government that will restore our right to protest, and advocate for all our human rights, no matter what our nationality is.

Respect workers: Workers today are facing a cost-of-living crisis – and a crackdown on the rights of working people – on top of ignored trade union demands for living wages and secure contracts. We need a UK government that respects workers and the trade unions that advocate for their rights.

We have been campaigning to end poverty, climate breakdown and human rights abuses for years – and we won’t stop now.

We will take this letter to the next UK government – will you join us in calling on it to prioritise people and planet?


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