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No UK arms for Israel's war crimes!

Since 2015, the UK government has allowed at least £474 million worth of weapons and military equipment to be sold to Israel, from UK-based companies — including components for F-35 warplanes, tanks, missiles, guns and ammunition

Israel is using war planes and missiles to bomb Palestinian refugee camps, schools, hospitals, shelters, blocks of flats, evacuating civilians, ambulances, foreign journalists, and aid workers. These are clear breaches of international law and likely amount to war crimes. Since 7 October 2023, more than 33,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israel - including over 12,000 children. At least 69,000 Palestinians have been injured. 

Israel is deepening the humanitarian crisis caused by its siege of the Gaza Strip, by targeting bakeries, water pipes and electricity networks — a form of collective punishment of the Palestinian people, prohibited under international law. UN human rights experts have warned that Palestinians are at risk of genocide. Public statements from Israeli officials heightened this risk by dehumanising Palestinians, holding all Palestinians responsible for Hamas’ attacks on 7 October, and calling for attacks on Palestinian civilians and civilian infrastructure.  

There is a clear risk that UK arms are being used to carry out serious violations of international law. The UK government must immediately end the UK arms trade with Israel and ensure it is not complicit in war crimes.  

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