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Fix our broken tax system!

Corporate tax dodging is robbing the world of funding for health services, social care and education — and making it harder to tackle the climate and cost-of-living crises. Over US $1 trillion is moved into tax havens each year. 

This is made possible by a deeply unjust international tax system, which works in the interests of rich multinational corporations and their shareholders. This has been a disaster for ordinary people everywhere. Global South countries are losing the equivalent of half of their total public health budgets from corporate tax dodging, while the UK public loses around £44 billion every year. This is money could be used to fund the NHS and social care, our education system, or the transition to green energy — or contribute to the UK’s fair share of climate adaptation financing for poorer Global South countries most affected by climate breakdown. But instead, it goes straight into the pockets of the super rich, leaving ordinary people to pay for collapsing public services. 

We can’t afford this failed tax system. We need a new set of tax rules which stop corporate tax dodging and give all countries a say. We need a UN Tax Convention. Will you call on the UK government to fix our broken tax system by supporting a UN Tax Convention today? 

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